Raccoons are highly intelligent and they have dexterous front paws. This allows them to manipulate and open objects unlike other nuisance wildlife species in the area. Raccoons are very strong and can be aggressive when they feel threatened. Raccoons can carry many diseases that can be transferred to humans and pets such as rabies, leptospirosis, salmonella, distemper, and round worms. Due to the strength of raccoons, a raccoon problem should be handled immediately by an experienced professional. They have the capacity to cause a large amount of damage to a building.
Raccoons are highly intelligent and they have dexterous front paws. This allows them to manipulate and open objects unlike other nuisance wildlife species in the area. Raccoons are very strong and can be aggressive when they feel threatened. Raccoons can carry many diseases that can be transferred to humans and pets such as rabies, leptospirosis, salmonella, distemper, and round worms. Due to the strength of raccoons, a raccoon problem should be handled immediately by an experienced professional. They have the capacity to cause a large amount of damage to a building.

Opossums are a marsupial mammal. This means they carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach. Many times when the babies are bigger, you will see them clinging to their mother's back. They often freeze when they are scared and will even "play possum". This is where they appear to be dead and will fall to their side, become stiff, and even emit an odor. The opossum will continue to play dead until the threat has passed. Even though opossums are not generally aggressive, they have 50 teeth that can deliver a nasty bite. Opossums are scavengers and they will eat anything from road-kill to birdseed. Opossums are often found under homes, in attics, and under decks. We have the ability to humanely trap opossums, repair any damages, and clean any areas effected by their urine or fecal matter.
Opossums are a marsupial mammal. This means they carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach. Many times when the babies are bigger, you will see them clinging to their mother's back. They often freeze when they are scared and will even "play possum". This is where they appear to be dead and will fall to their side, become stiff, and even emit an odor. The opossum will continue to play dead until the threat has passed. Even though opossums are not generally aggressive, they have 50 teeth that can deliver a nasty bite. Opossums are scavengers and they will eat anything from road-kill to birdseed. Opossums are often found under homes, in attics, and under decks. We have the ability to humanely trap opossums, repair any damages, and clean any areas effected by their urine or fecal matter.
We have many types of snakes in Western North Carolina. The most prevalent venomous snakes are the copperhead and the timber rattlesnake. The best prevention for these types of snakes in the yard is habitat modification. They prefer getting under woodpiles, rocky areas, overgrown thickets and other areas with lots of debris where they feel safe. Copperheads can be difficult to spot and are often found in groups as shown in the above picture, so caution should always be used when walking in areas where they have been spotted. Another common snake we see inside of houses is the rat snake. This snake is able to easily climb into attics or ceilings through a small hole. We have a variety of methods for removing all species of snakes. Only a trained professional should remove snakes, as the old saying "a harmless black snake" is not always true as shown in the above image we took of an almost solid black timber rattlesnake. Give us a call to discuss your options for snake removal.

Groundhogs or woodchucks are often found in yards and in the crawlspace of homes and businesses. They are usually only seen in the spring and summer since they hibernate in the winter. Groundhogs become problematic when they begin eating ornamental plants and gardens and/or tunneling under structures. They usually live in groups although you may only see one or two at a time. They build long complex tunnel systems that can comprise the foundation of a structure if the tunneling goes untreated. Groundhogs are also intelligent animals and can be extremely difficult to trap. We offer several solutions for solving your groundhog problem and repairing damages from their tunneling.
Groundhogs or woodchucks are often found in yards and in the crawlspace of homes and businesses. They are usually only seen in the spring and summer since they hibernate in the winter. Groundhogs become problematic when they begin eating ornamental plants and gardens and/or tunneling under structures. They usually live in groups although you may only see one or two at a time. They build long complex tunnel systems that can comprise the foundation of a structure if the tunneling goes untreated. Groundhogs are also intelligent animals and can be extremely difficult to trap. We offer several solutions for solving your groundhog problem and repairing damages from their tunneling.
If you have skunks around your home or business, you often smell them before you see them. Skunks emit a powerful spray when they feel threatened. There are two types in our area, the spotted and striped skunk. Trapping and removing a group of skunks can be a tricky job. Our skilled technicians can trap the group of skunks and deodorize the area.
If you have skunks around your home or business, you often smell them before you see them. Skunks emit a powerful spray when they feel threatened. There are two types in our area, the spotted and striped skunk. Trapping and removing a group of skunks can be a tricky job. Our skilled technicians can trap the group of skunks and deodorize the area.

Beavers, Muskrats, and Otters
These animals can cause damages to ponds, rivers, and lakes. People often realize they have a muskrat or otter when the number of fish in the lake decrease. Muskrats will also eat vegetation, so the plants surrounding the water may be found chewed. Droppings from these animals will also be found on the banks or docks. Muskrats burrow into the banks of the lake which can cause a water levels to drop if the holes go untreated. Beavers eat the bark and the cambium layer of trees and other vegetation found along the bank. They will chew trees and build a dam to restrict water flow. Restricting the flow of a stream will eventually create a larger wetland environment. We offer trapping of beavers, muskrats, and otters as well dam removal.
We offer trapping and long-term rodent management for mice and rats in commercial and residential settings. Mice and rats carry many diseases that are transferable through their droppings, urine, and infected fleas. Rats are known to damage wiring, chew pipes, and chew other surfaces through their constant gnawing. Rats reach maturity in 3 months and can reproduce very quickly, so a small problem can grow very quickly. It is important to get professional help before the problem worsens.
We offer trapping and long-term rodent management for mice and rats in commercial and residential settings. Mice and rats carry many diseases that are transferable through their droppings, urine, and infected fleas. Rats are known to damage wiring, chew pipes, and chew other surfaces through their constant gnawing. Rats reach maturity in 3 months and can reproduce very quickly, so a small problem can grow very quickly. It is important to get professional help before the problem worsens.